CSSC North East and Yorkshire Event – Protecting Cultural Venues


This event is aimed at those who are responsible for the protection, operations, or management of cultural venues including museums, galleries, libraries, historical sites, and places of worship.


The event will cover the following topics:

• Understanding Hazards and Adversarial Threats

• Attack Methodology – The Attack Cycle (includes case studies)

• Situational Awareness

• Effective Operational Practises


At the end of the talk, participants will hopefully have a better understanding of the threats that exist, how they can manifest themselves, and steps that can be taken to reduce the risks and protect our cultural heritage.

The event is delivered by Andy Davis, the regional Chair of CSSC North East and Yorkshire, and who is a consultant adviser for Arts Council England. He is also the Chair of the ASIS International Cultural Properties Community and founder of the IAASF (International Arts & Antiquities Security Forum). He has been involved in the audit, review and design of museums and other cultural venues around the world for several years.

To register visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cssc-north-east-and-yorkshire-event-protecting-cultural-venues-tickets-165002493901