CSSC Privacy Policy

CSSC Privacy policy

This privacy policy contains important information about how we use or may use your personal information. We collect this information when you consent to receiving CSSC messaging through registering on the website. In sharing your personal information with us, you confirm that we may store and use your personal information as described in this privacy policy.

When you consent to receiving CSSC messages via email or text, CSSC will continue to provide you with relevant content. You can find out how CSSC manages your information in this privacy policy.

The CSSC initiative was founded in June 2011 by a team of senior security experts, with the aim of building a messaging platform, to facilitate communications between the private and public sectors, on issues surrounding security and business resilience. Your personal information relates to any of the data about you that you consent to providing.


Who we are and how we look after your privacy

CSSC is a partnership between law enforcement agencies, local and national government organisations and private sector businesses.

Data controller:

The Cross-Sector Safety and Security Communications (CSSC) initiative.  Full charitable status was secured for CSSC in August 2013, which is now registered under charity number 1153764.

You can get more information about how we use your personal information or make a complaint by emailing: enquiries@cssc.com or cssc2014@outlook.com.


1.    Collecting information: what, when and how?

The data we collect, how we use it and when are explained in Section 1 of this privacy policy. 

CSSC Messaging

We collect the following information:

·       First name & surname

·       Email address and telephone number

·       Consent box for having read terms and conditions

·       Two separate consent boxes for receiving text and email alerts

How your data is used if you register for messages:

Contact information will be stored on the Everbridge Messaging Platform in order to send out notifications as part of the system’s mass notification feature if there is an incident or information to share.


2.    Why do we collect this information?  

We collect and use your personal information for the following reasons:

To share timely, accurate and authoritative information on issues around security and business resilience, as well as CSSC business bulletins, acting as a communication vehicle between the public and private sectors, providing information on all relevant security matters.

To send critical incident notifications in the event of a major incident either on a national scale, or information relevant to an incident in your local area. In the event of a major incident, we may also use the Everbridge system to send out invitations to a private sector bridge call.  Similarly, we may use the system to send out invitations to CSSC related events such as the CSSC AGM, or events that the CSSC have organised.


3.    Who might we share your information with?  

In order to deliver the CSSC messaging capability, it is necessary to input your email address and telephone number into the Everbridge Messaging Platform.  The only communication you will receive from the Everbridge Messaging Platform will be in the form of CSSC alerts.

It may also be necessary to provide your contact information to Industry Sector Leaders within the CSSC initiative.  The aim of the Industry Sector Leaders is to represent their specific industry sector or member organisation or geographical area and act as a communication conduit for the sharing of safety and security messages between the public and private sectors.  You can find out more information on either the Everbridge Messaging Platform, or the CSSC operating model, by emailing: enquiries@thecssc.com or cssc2014@outlook.com.


4.    Your rights  

Your rights when sharing personal data with us include:

·       Access to a copy of your personal information

·       Asking us to amend or delete your personal information

·       Asking us to restrict or object to the use of your personal information

·       Withdrawing your permission to use your personal information

In this instance, your previous consent will stay valid for our previous use of your information and for communications sent prior to your request.

Complaining to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you object to how we use your personal information – you can find more information at ico.org.uk

To discuss or exercise your rights, contact the Data Protection Officer using the details in Section 1.


5.    How long do we keep your data?

We will retain your information as necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements and for the duration of the CSSC initiative.


6   Updating this privacy policy

If we change the way that we use your personal information, we will let you know by providing information via email or we will write to you separately. If you do not agree to that change in use, you must let us know as soon as possible.

We may add, modify, or remove portions of this privacy policy when we believe it is appropriate to do so and will ensure that the date the privacy policy was last updated is set out below. Please check this privacy policy from time to time to make sure you are happy with the way we are using your personal information.

Last privacy policy update: 22/05/2018